Tuesday, July 6, 2010

AGAIN: where I left off

My tears keep coming, I stop them for what I might see, what I might reveal.
They stop mid eye like saving me from what I may not see.
This is the best statement I have come up with from months of absence, months of feelings of being tested.
This is what I have come up with from the months of joy, bliss, trials, mishaps, accidents, surprises and shifts of sorts in the alignment of my stars.

My body count of beings met that moved and inspired, has been overwhelming, the distance I have come with those that authorize my day-to-day learning of a dream I made come true is one of little or no boundaries. The captivating result of a question posed by a friend, friends with deep but limited knowledge of my soul, has pushed my dreams to a pedestal of possibility.

I am exposed to a world infinite with possibilities run by the relentless.

In all honesty he was the 1st; I ignored him and moved right along, minding my own business. And then you came dragging your feet. I understand my purpose -the reception goes off sometimes, unfamiliar to the burden of its fulfillment. I took it too far.
My mind stood present to where my soul usually does and should stand. I wrote to a deafened beat and somehow convinced myself you were hearing my inner song.

Like a student hungry for the power to teach, I didn’t see the process of healing I had instilled, ungrateful for the step taken, to the food that is soul soothing.
We seem to have misplaced the fact that we are on the same side.
Hurts in friendships come and go; we stay haunted by the same kind of pride.
I know I wasn’t always your friend, but never did my actions contradict truth.
I waited, I watched, I toyed and fantasized. I fooled with that idea, as an angel in training allow me that 1 mistake.

Injustice is for us all

I wonder does my constant now affect what is really meant for our fate.
As a part of the world give exception of my beauty that I revealed.
As a being like you eliminate the chances of perfection.
And as a friend grant me that chance to further experience you.
The notes you had in your head of the person I am are still and will always be true.

Gino Obuseng